Project Archive
The multi-frequency radiometers field campaigns comprise of two one-day campaigns across an approximately two or three weeks’ timeframe. The overall objective of this campaign is to develop algorithms and techniques to retrieve soil profile using K-, L- and P-band radiometers, and to downscale L- or P-band brightness temperature observations and/or soil moisture products using K-band radiometers. The field campaigns involve collecting airborne radiometer data together with ground observations of soil moisture, vegetation water content, soil surface roughness and ancillary data for a diverse range of conditions.
Flight Mode Altitude (above sea level)* Resolution (m) Scan angles for K-band (˚C) No. of lines Integration time (ms) in meter in feet P+Ku (+Optical*) Low 170 560 25 (Ku) 19.6, 28.2, 35.5 12 50 75 (P) High 594 1950 75 (Ku) 3.7, 11, 18 2 50 308(P) L+Ka (+Optical*) Low 305 1000 25(Ka) 23.7, 27.8, 31.6 12 50 75(L) High 1110 3640 75(Ka) 2, 6, 9.8 2 50 288(L)
Created: June 2021 Last Modified: June 2021
Maintainer: Xiaoling Wu,; Luisa White,